1-gallon milk (not ultra-pasteurized)

½ cup lime juice

2 Tbsp curry powder

2 Tbsp flake salt (non iodized)

Measure lime juice into a cup and set aside.    Pour 1 gallon milk into a large stainless or enamel pot.  Set aside the jug to fill with water and use as a press later.

Add the curry powder to the milk and whisk or stir thoroughly. Heat milk over medium heat, stirring occasionally, to 200*F.  Look for steam and frothy bubbles as the milk gets close to temp. When at 200* add lime juice and stir well. Coagulation should happen within seconds. If you don’t see curd forming confirm temp and add 1 Tbsp more juice until curd forms. Lower heat and gently stir curds for 2 minutes. This helps curds get firm. Remove pot from burner and gently pour curds into a cheese cloth lined colander. Allow to drain for 3-5 min. curd should look like firm scrambled eggs. Stir gently or fluff with hands to help release whey. Add salt and mix in quickly. Adjust to taste. Now gather cheese cloth at corners and twist to create tight bundle. Squeeze to release more whey. Press the curd ball into the colander and place a plate on top. Balance a jug full of water on top as a weight and let sit for 15 minutes unwrap and eat as is or use in recipe (such as lettuce wraps).

Yield: approx 1lb or 2 cups